About Us

Our location is at 1 Station Road, Alderholt, SP6 3RB
To hire Alderholt Village hall call 07709 933652 or
Email: – bookingsalderholt@gmail.com

Our Village Hall is socially and geographically at the heart of the village, and is well used by a wide variety of groups from within Alderholt and the surrounding area. The facility provides a meeting place for all age groups, and helps to bind the social fabric of the community. Careful and prudent management over the years has meant that the Hall is self sustaining, and the Management Committee has embarked on a number of improvements in recent years. Much of the necessary funding has come from our active Entertainment Committee who regularly organise fund-raising events. A program of improvements started with full refurbishment of the kitchen, Committee rooms and the toilet facilities, plus decoration of the main hall area. Then came extra storage facilities, the new large patio doors and the enclosed patio and rear garden which have all enhanced the appearance and convenience of the facilities. Recently the patio doors received their new curtains and those of the rest of the hall have been replaced to match.

The committee still have further plans as funds become available. The main side entry double doors and the lobby area are currently under improvement as far as funds will allow. Fundraising for improvements is always a priority, and numerous grants and donations have been gratefully received.

If you would like to be involved with our busy and vibrant Village Hall, or you have any views or comments, please contact us, we would love to hear from you.

(Gift Aid donations can be made and are most welcome)

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